Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Koala Juice!

You know what? Life is good! 
     As I write this bloggy blog, my boy (and one of the Koala Ninja crew members) Tom Vrab is doing two awesome shows tonight! One of them is at my favorite place to perform "The Ice House" in Pasadena, and then he's shooting over to the Hollywood Improv for an industry showcase. Big things are yet to come for that doode! 
    My other Koala bro, and LONG TIME best friend, Louie Arreola is at home editing one of our newest sketches "Things You Don't Ask a Ninja!" Louie got all this new dope equipment that will come in so handy for the future Koala Ninja projects. I am stoked! =)
    Humor is our lives. We just want to make a living bringing laughter to the people.  Not to be famous (although we wouldn't mind a hosting spot on SNL!), not to be rich (although eating three meals a day would be nice. Yes, that is what we consider being rich.), and not because we want to get our girlfriends boob jobs (Haha, maybe some of us do, but not me. I don't have a girlfriend and I am very comfortable with MY current cup size.)! We want to make sketches because that is what makes us want to wake up in the morning. That is what making us do our crappy day jobs not so bad. We have that dream and motivation that ONE DAY we will be able to shoot all day and play video games all night! Haha! 
   We are simple doodes in a complex world, just trying to make it. We got a bunch of crazy ideas, and you will see them as the year goes on. 20 sketches this year is the plan! WE WILL COME THROUGH. Guaranteed. We are just glad you are coming along for the ride. =)
  Thanks for reading this, and thank you SO MUCH for supporting Koala Ninja. I love you! haha!

Proud Member of the Koala Ninja Comedy Crew!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Read this Info or you will force ten African lions to have sex with elephants

Read this Info or you will force ten African lions to have sex with elephants...

... was the first thing i saw when i opened my email earlier today from my good man Louie over here at Koala Ninja. Which just made me realize a few things about this NEW group we've assembled.
You know when you get that warm feeling inside where you just want to burst forth with rainbow love happy meals because you're so excited for something NEW & something BIG?? (insert 'she said' joke here) ... well i got that feeling today, i got it yesterday, i get it when i think about the sketches we're shooting, and i get it when i see a tight group of close friends who see eye to eye comedically coming together to start fresh, but strong. (haha, 'butt strong')
It's the same feeling you get when you watch your favorite actors in a movie doing something out of their element or the same feeling i get when i see a new SNL digital short that makes my 'no no' area tingle. It's the same feeling im getting now for this NEW website and group... KOALA NINJA .
I'm happy to be a big part of something that i want to put all my efforts and time into. And it finally hit me on another level today when i was told to write a blog by an email that simply said:
Read this Info or you will force ten African lions to have sex with elephants

... because it proved that other 'random ridiculous idiot comedy peoples' like myself do exist!
... we just got lucky & found each other. Now i can't wait to see what's next !

thanks for listening with your eyes guys.
i'm very excited for everything that's to come
and feel so blessed by God Himself to have put awesome people like the Koala Ninja comedy clan in my life.
Keep an eye open for all the crazy retardation that is to come & start peeing your pantaloones now in anticipational bowel happiness !

comedy dong pilot,
